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About The Trip

Fun in the sun! ☀️

rescueisrael August 6, 2018

By Batyah Jasper

Today we traveled to the beautiful city of Tzfat. In Israel there are four holy cities that each represent one of the four elements. Tzfat is the city of air. This is because tzfat is a mystical city that is in the clouds. Tzfat is rich with art of all types and therefore today was filled with shopping. We explored the streets of tzfat in order to find the most beautiful jewelry, paintings, and candles. We then drove to the kineret where we met up with the hatzalah water team. We took turns riding in speed boats in order to replicate the procedure we follow in case of a water emergancy or accindet. After we got off of the speed boats we relaxed under the sun and really enjoyed just spending time with one another in the clear and warm water of the kineret.